State the key issue from the comic strip.
The key issue from the comic strip is an ethical issue about salary. The two co-workers are debating about increasing their salaries through a “glitch” in the system essentially giving themselves raises that only costs the company a fraction of a percentage of their gross profits. In the end, one co-worker reports the other to the Human Resources Hotline.
Does Anita suspend judgment before taking a position, or does she immediately take a position on the issue? Explain your answer.
Anita does suspend judgment before she takes a position on the matter. She tells Tanya (the other co-worker), “I’ll have to think about it.” This shoes that she is undecided on the matter and is already aware of the ethical situation.
Does Anita use logic when looking into the issue, or is her position based on a moral value judgment? Explain your answer.
At first Anita uses logic when looking into the issue. Her comment is “I dunno. Sounds risky…” which shows that she is more concerned about getting caught than the moral issue of costing the company money. However, in the end she uses moral value judgment when she “turns in” her co-worker Tanya because although it is something that is not right, it does not affect the main character, Anita, other than her conscience.
Does she solve a problem, make a decision, or take action as a result of taking the position she did? Explain your answer.
Anita solves the problem, makes a decision, and takes action as a result of taking the position that she did. She made the decision that what Tanya was doing was ethically wrong; she then both solved the problem and took action at the same time by calling the HR Hotline. She solved the problem in that she made the glitch aware to Human Resources and she took action about Tanya’s embezzlement.
Recall a situation in your life in which you took a position on an issue. The issue could concern a political matter, a family or community topic, or a moral or ethical problem.
State the issue, the position you took, and the considerations that helped you determine your position.
I have a very similar situation to the comic strip; I was overpaid recently by $45 when the accountant miscalculated my overtime. In the end I reported the error to accounting but I almost did not. I figured what’s $45? I can take my wife out to dinner with this? However in the end I wouldn’t feel right about it and I think I would constantly be thinking about it.
Did you suspend judgment before taking a position, or did you immediately take a position on the issue? Explain your answer.
I did not immediately take the position to report the error and I took me a few hours to mull it over. I wouldn’t say that I suspended judgment; it was more I went from the position of not reporting it to the position of reporting it.
Did you use logic when looking into the issue, or was the position you took based on a moral value judgment? Explain your answer.
This wasn’t a logical decision but more of a moral value judgment. I could always claim that I don’t scrutinize my paycheck and that they can deduct the money from my next check for their error in the case of an audit. However, I would always have that part of me nagging me that I knew they made a mistake and I did nothing about this.
Did you solve a problem, make a decision, or take action as a result of taking the position you did? Explain your answer.
I made a decision and took action as a result of the position I took. The decision was that it was morally wrong to keep the extra $45. The action I took was reporting the administrative error to accounting so they could deduct the amount from my paycheck.
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